Event Details

Ultimate Karting Championship 2022

Thomas has signed up for the final round of the Ultimate Karting Championship 2022, September 17-18 at Warden Law. He loves this track!

He will be competing against some of the best teams in the country. Some who also race all over Europe.

Thomas receives quite a lot of hate on social media for not always competing in high level events. They say he wouldn’t stand a chance. He isn’t afraid, it’s purely down to costs. Some engines exchange hands for over £10,000. It’s crazy.

A typical weekend round can cost £1000, we don’t own a competitive engine and would need to hire one. Also we’re not allowed to run second-hand tyres, which would have saved us even more cash.

With help from kind people in his socials and with a previous go-fund, we managed to prove them wrong. Thomas finished second in a race at Warden Law and was the second fastest on track at one point.

Against all the odds, Thomas’s performance was unbelievable at Rowrah. Tom and only 3 other drivers managed to get into the 54 second lap times.

Thomas will be competing again as a Privateer, just Mam and Dad supporting him. He won’t have all the latest chassis and all the data from the teams, however, his mission is to prove that you can do it on a budget!

With this event being so expensive we have added a Just Giving donation link. If you feel that you can help, we will add everyone’s name to his kart to show our appreciation.

This will get quite a lot of TV media coverage which is exactly what he needs too and could massively help him with future sponsorship. Thank you to everyone for your support.

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