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Thomas Potter Racing

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Potter Family Racing

In the beginning...

Inspired by his big sister Catherine, Thomas started karting at the age of 6. His first run was at Warden Law in a 50cc bambino kart. We were amazed by how quickly he got to grips with the controls, especially due to the fact it was raining. Within no time at all he was controlling skids.

Shortly after he was looking like he had good pace. We decided to try other tracks such as Rowrah, Teesside and PFI. This is where it all got more interesting and we believe it’s the main reason why he is going so well now.

We noticed other children pulling huge gaps on him on the straights however each lap he still managed to keep with them. Week after week the same thing would happen.

We looked into how much it would cost to upgrade his engine only to learn people were spending thousands on engines, rebuilds, parts every month. We paid £250 for his complete engine and thought that was too much as it was!

We explained to him he could race, but not to get his hopes up, as he wouldn’t have much chance of winning, it was the taking part that counts. How wrong could we be.

Thomas won races in Rowrah and ended up winning a championship at Teesside in his first year of racing. Less power made him drive harder.


A Winning Streak

When he moved up to the next 200cc class we decided to use the same methods, partly due to the fact we couldn’t afford to do otherwise.

Yet again we were amazed by the control and speed he was carrying through the corners. He was overtaking kids who were much older and more experienced.

In his first learning-year he managed multiple 2nd places in qualifying on large grids alongside his sister Catherine. They often worked together and gained multiple podiums together.

The following year he was hitting the top step along with championship wins.

Thomas’ social media is growing fast with one video alone garnering over 24 million views!! He is constantly proving nothing is impossible and you can make it without being rich.

Thomas has recently lapped faster than some of the British champions who run in big teams. These guys tend to have huge budgets, massive amounts of data, private mechanics, coaches, data analysts, even track temp info. Thomas only has his Dad as a mechanic.

Thomas has just won the Teesside Winter Series 2022, and is starring in a new docu-series Driven Dreams which will be featured on major streaming platforms including Amazon Prime.

Driven Dreams


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